Friday, March 8, 2013

100 Things To Do when You get Bored~

100 Things To Do when You get Bored~

1. Take lots of deep breaths and listen to the sound of your own breathing.
2. Play music. 
3. Rearrange the furniture in your room.
4. Reread your favorite book.
5. Look at the stars.
6. Exercise.
7. Clean something.
8. Make a list of all the things that stress you out.
9. Rent a movie.
10. Make up stories (in your head) about strangers.
11. Say a prayer.
12. Record a funny message on your message machine.
13. Write a poem. *
14. Sing a song. *
15. Learn to do something new.
16. Burn incense.
17. Light a candle for someone you miss.
18. Plan a party. *
19. Take a nap.
20. Paint a picture. *
21. Teach your pet a trick.
22. Plant something.
23. Bake brownies – or try.
24. Cry.
25. Take a bath with your clothes on.
26. Beat up your pillow.
27. Meditate.
28. Look at old photographs. *
29. Go into a sealed room and scream.
30. Restyle your hair.
31. Make funny faces in the mirror. *
32. Play a sport.
33. Drink a cup of tea.
34. Drink a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows.
35. Destroy something. *
36. Fix something – possibly the thing you destroyed. *
37. Take a hike. *
38. Give yourself a good talking to. *
39. Don’t talk for the whole day.
40. Climb a tree. *
41. Write a letter to someone you’re mad at (but don’t send it!).
42. Dance. *
43. Plan a trip, even if you can’t really take one. *
44. Eat something for the first time.
45. Learn to do something new on the computer. *
46. Practice belching.
47. Eat something yummy.
48. Buy new underwear.
49. Try role playing. *
50. Practice kissing, one your own hand.
51. Wear something you never wear.
52. Smell flowers.
53. Daydream. *
54. Walk in the rain. *
55. Try to figure out how many grains there are in a quarter of sand.
56. Read a story out loud. *
57. Go to a movie. *
58. Work on your collection on whatever it is you collect.
59. Throw out something you don’t use anymore.
60. Go to a museum. *
61. Make a comic book. *
62. Make a tape/cd of your favorite song(s).
63. Learn to play the harmonica.
64. Learn some words in a foreign language. *
65. Memorize the phone numbers you call most often.
66. Whistle. *
67. Do tomorrow’s homework. *
68. Learn to juggle.
69. Practice telling jokes.
70. Learn something about your ancestors.
71. Stand on your head.
72. Visit a playground and go on the swings. *
73. Write a love letter (send it if brave enough). *(didnotsend)
74. Watch a ball game. *
75. Practice writing with your other hand. *
76. Make animal noises. *(*blushes*)
77. Skate. *
78. Visualize your perfect place. *
79. Blow bubbles. *
80. Go to the library. *
81. Take a ride on the bus.
82. Line your drawers with weird rapping paper.
83. Write a letter to your congressperson expressing a political opinion.
84. Read about a religion you know very little about. *
85. Go through your baby things and reminisce.
86. Update your address book.
87. Explore the jungle under your bed.
88. Ride your bike. *
89. Ponder the universe. *
90. Read the newspaper. *
91. Play solitaire.
92. Fly a kite.
93. Make a collage.
94. Go jogging. *
95. Make a list about all the great things about yourself, if you don’t know any, make them up!
96. Play scrabble and be all the players.
97. Write a letter to your future children and explain to then about yourself. *
98. Enter a contest.
99. Teach yourself sign-language.
100. Make a list of 100 things to do when you get bored. *
- anonymous


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